Male Fertility Testing: A Complete Overview on Assessing Sperm Health - Matrikaivf

 Male Fertility Tests: How to Check Sperm Health

Testing fertility in both partners is crucial while planning pregnancy. Male fertility tests help determine sperm count in men, which in turn helps with addressing underlying concerns. These tests not only provide important insights into sperm health but also other reproductive factors of the male partner.

This guide will teach you all about testing male reproductive health. It will also explain how and what fertility tests for men should be considered while planning a pregnancy. So, read on and pick the right tests for your visit to a male fertility clinic.

Male fertility tests: Why do you need them?

While planning for pregnancy, both partners should know and understand their fertility health. For the male partner, fertility tests help gain perspective on crucial factors such as the quality and count of sperm. This helps understand reproductive health and also gives a perception of any concerns that might need addressing. Once the potential issues are clear, it becomes easier to move forward with proper steps to resolve them.

While analyzing male fertility, the important factors to test are sperm count, sperm motility, and morphology. Let us see how these factors determine male fertility:

Sperm Count:Sperm count refers to the quantity of sperm present in the semen. With a healthy number of sperm, the likelihood of it reaching the egg for fertilization is increased. Oligospermia is another term used for low sperm count, which means the ejaculated semen contains a very low number of sperm. Azoospermia is a term for a complete absence of sperm in the semen. Thus, through a fertility test for men, one can determine the sperm count and, in turn, the chances of fertilization.

Sperm Motility:Sperm motility refers to the ability of the sperm to swim through the female reproductive tract and reach the egg. Sperm motility is of utmost importance as it determines if the sperm can move through to fertilize the eggs. Asthenospermia is a condition where the sperm has low motility which leads to infertility in men. Asthenozoospermia is a condition where sperm has zero motility. This is another critical factor that can be determined by male fertility tests.

Sperm Morphology:Sperm Morphology refers to the size, shape, and structure of a sperm. Any abnormality in the morphology may cause hindrance while penetrating the egg during fertilization. Teratospermia is a condition of an increased percentage of sperm with abnormal morphology in semen. This suggests a defect in sperm mutation thus reducing the chances of fertilization by the sperm.

What are some tests to examine male fertility?

Male fertility specialists adopt different ways to determine reproductive health. These help determine several factors that might obstruct pregnancy. Here are some male fertility tests that you could expect at a male fertility clinic:

Sperm and Semen analysis:In this fertility test, a trained professional would check for sperm count, shape, form, and movement. Generally, if the first attempt shows a high number of normal sperm in the semen it could indicate higher fertility. However, there might be exceptions in this as many fertile males might show low sperm count and form in the first test. A second round of testing might be suggested to be completely sure of the fertility results.

Hormone Testing:Hormones such as testosterone, FSH, and LH are tested to understand the production and fertility of sperm. The expected range of FSH is 1.5 to 12.4 mIU/mL in adult males and LH should be between 1.7 to 8.6 mIU/mL. If FSH-LH levels are high it might signal testicular concerns, low sperm count, or Klinefelter Syndrome.

Genetic Testing:This helps identify any chromosomal abnormalities or genetic alterations that can impact the quality and quantity of sperm. This is specifically suggested for people with a history of genetic disorders or recurrent miscarriages.

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing:This helps identify any chromosomal abnormalities or genetic alterations that can impact the quality and quantity of sperm. This is specifically suggested for people with a history of genetic disorders or recurrent miscarriages.

Antisperm Antibody Testing:Sometimes, the immune system in a human body can mistake the sperm as an invader and form antibodies to damage and kill it. Thus, in such scenarios, anti-sperm antibodies are produced as a mode of fighting sperm. Anti-sperm antibodies are not very common and can be produced in both male and female bodies. The presence of this makes it more difficult to conceive; however, these alone cannot restrict pregnancy. While testing for anti-sperm antibodies, the physician might suggest not ejaculating for 2 to 5 days before the test for a more accurate result.

Male fertility tests play a critical role in assessing sperm health and identifying potential impacts on pregnancy. By going through these tests, it becomes easier to gain a clear perspective of any underlying concerns and address them. With the right guidance and tests performed at the Male fertility clinic, you and your partner can embark on your journey towards family planning with confidence.


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